ProtagonistsGodefroid DEVREESECountriesBelgiumRolesmedal manfacturerartistFrom … To19.08.1861 - 31.08.1941Related objectsCommemorative plate of the Royal Belgian Federation of Swimming Societies (F.B.S.N.S.) presented to Henri de Baillet-Latour, IOC president.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...Anvers 1920, commemorative medal awarded to Pierre de Coubertin, then IOC president.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...Commemorative medal having belonged to Count Henri de BAILLET-LATOUR.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...Anvers 1920, Royal Olympic Decoration awarded to Sigfrid EDSTROEM, then IOC member.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...Anvers 1920, Royal Olympic Decoration.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...Anvers 1920, miniature of the Royal Olympic Decoration.Created: Godefroid DEVREESELarge medallion featuring General Viktor Balck, one of the first IOC members.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...Large portrait featuring Reverend de Courcy Laffan, IOC member.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...Medal featuring Reverend de Courcy Laffan, IOC member.Created: Godefroid DEVREESE ...