ProtagonistsKarnet & KiselyCountriesCzechoslovakiaRolesmanufacturerRelated objectsMedal of the Order of the White Lion, Czeckoslovakia awarded to Baron Pierre de Coubertin.Used: Pierre de COUBERTIN ...Plaque of the Order of the White Lion, Czechoslovakia, awarded to Baron Pierre de Coubertin.Used: Pierre de COUBERTIN ...Prague 1925, commémorative medal of the 8th Olympic Congress, gold.Created: Karnet & Kisely ...Prague 1925, commémorative medal of the 8th Olympic Congress, silver.Created: Karnet & Kisely ...Prague 1925, commémorative medal of the 8th Olympic Congress, bronze.Created: Karnet & Kisely ...Prague 1925, official badge of the 8th Olympic congress.Created: Karnet & KiselyPrague 1925, official badge of the 8th Olympic congress.Created: Karnet & KiselyPrague 1925, official badge of the 8th Olympic congress.Created: Karnet & Kisely