
Moscow 1980, promotional poster with the Head of State Leonid BREJNEV (URS) .

Physical description

In the middle, Brejnev raising up the right hand; behind him there is a circle with pictograms and the Games' emblem, on the left side, the Russian flag. On the right side, the caption in Russian: "The Olympic's Games are reflecting the invisible strength of the world for peace and progress ; L.I. Brejnev". On the back, informations about the artists, the title of the poster and the wich price obtained (First), On the lower part, the Russian inscriptions: Print accreditation the 12.07.1979 ; A-12330 ; Hx L 70x 100 1/8; print run: 50000 ex. ; price: 8 kop ; Editor "Plakat" Moscow 1980".




gold, red, black and white


23.5 x 32.5 cm