
Calgary 1988, winner's medal, gold, awarded to Vitaliy SAMOYLOV (USSR) for ice hockey.

Physical description

Medal with belly ring and turquoise ribbon with off-centre blue band, edged in orange. Obverse: emblem of the Games with the captions (French, English): "XVes Jeux Olympiques d'hiver / XV Olympic Winter Games ; Calgary 1988". Reverse: profile of the head of an athlete crowned with laurel and that of a Native American wearing a headdress whose feathers have been replaced by winter sports equipment: a pair of skis, a ski pole, a bobsleigh, a skate blade, a hockey stick, a luge and a rifle. Edge: captions (English, French) : « ICE HOCKEY – HOCKEY SUR GLACE ».






ø 6.95 x 7.55 x 0.75 cm, 203 g poids avec ruban