
San Francisco 1915, plaque presented to Pierre de Coubertin at the occasion of the introduction of the modern pentathlon.

Physical description

Silver plate whose obverse depicts two Nereids (Sea nymphs) between two columns below, which are the allegory of the meeting of the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. At the top there are five aligned laurel wreaths. Caption: "DONNÉ PAR LA PANAMA-PACIFIC / INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION / SAN FRANCISCO 1915 / À PIERRE DE COUBERTIN / RÉNOVATEUR DES JEUX OLYMPIQUES / À L'OCCASION DE LA CRÉATION DU / PENTATHLON MODERNE / STOCKHOLM 1912 / POUR ÊTRE REMIS À CHAQUE OLYMPIADE / AU VAINQUEUR QUI EN AURA / LA GARDE / JUSQU'À L'OLYMPIADE / SUIVANTE". Under the Nereids is the caption: "MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC & PACIFIC". Hallmark of the artist. Reverse: athlete of the modern Olympic Games crowned by a female figure dressed in an ancient tunic and presented to an ancient god (probably Zeus)." Signed by the artist.






8.5 x 10 cm, 0.8 cm