
Diploma of the German Gymnastics Society (Deutsche Turnerschaft) awarded to Pierre de Coubertin, IOC President.

Physical description

Frame with oak leaves surrounding the caption. In the top a crown over an eagle and at the bottom the German coat of arms. Text: ""Dem Internationalen Olympischen Komitee und seinem hochverdienten Gründer Herrn Baron de Coubertin zur Feier des zwanzigjährigen Bestehens des Komitees herzliche, treudeutsche Grüsse mit dem Wunsche, dass bei gleich treuer Arbeit und gliech treuer Führung reiche Völkerfriedens erblühen mögen! Die Deutsche Turnerschaft (=To the International Olympic Committee and its very deserving founder Baron de Coubertin, the cordial greetings to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the Committee, with the hope that with equally faithful work and leadership a true peace between the peoples can flourish. The German gymnastics Society)".On June 17th, 1914 in Leipzig and Stettin (Szczecin now in Pologne).




black, red, white


49.8 x 35.8 cm