
Reference record. Munich 1972, winner's medal, bronze.

Physical description

Medal with a belly strap and chain. Obverse: representation of a woman, allegory of Glory, holding a laurel wreath in her right hand and a palm branch in her left hand. She is sitting on steps that have bas-reliefs representing a chariot with horses. To her right is an amphora. In the background there is a two-storey building with arcades. Caption: "XX. / Olympiad / Munich / 1972". Reverse: Castor and Pollux, twin sons of Zeus and Leda, patrons of sports competitions and friendship, represented by two naked young men. Engraver's hallmark (?) under the twins, resembling a rune. Edge: caption on both sides of the belly stating the sport and the athlete's name.






ø 6.6 x 0.65 cm, 131 g