
Stockholm 1912, prize diploma, 1st prize, awarded to Carlo PELLEGRINI, for the art competition, painting section.

Physical description

Goddess Pallas-Athene holds a staff in her right hand and a small statue of Nike, the victory goddess, in her left hand. In the background: Olympic stadium and birch-tree branches. Rim with flowers. Space with cap.: "V. Olympiaden, Olympiska Spelen i Stockholm 1912, I Pris i Concours d'Art: Mälning till Carlo Pellegrini, Italien", mentions "Centraltryckeriet, Stockholm" and "Olle Hjortzberg 1912". A few blue touches, as well as gold elements: see golden blazon with the three crowns of Sweden. Dark brown sculpted wooden frame.




black and white, gold, blue, beige


62 x 47.5 x 2 cm