
Salt Lake City 2002, programme de l'avant-Cérémonie d'ouverture.


Programme du spectacle précédant la Cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux. Sur la couverture se trouve un dessin inspiré de la culture amérindienne et l'emblème des Jeux. Légende: "Preshow Program Salt Lake 2002 Opening Ceremony". A l'intérieur se trouve le programme avec les photographies de 4 intervenants. Texte: "Soon, the magical and inspiring story of the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Winter / Games will unfold with tonight's Opening Ceremony. This journey begins with the / Salt Lake 2002 Opening Ceremony preshow. In the next few hours, the stadium will / be filled with people from all over the world. This peaceful gathering of nations and / cultures embodies the Olympic Spirit of equality, peace and humanity. During / tonight's preshow, we hope the world-class performers and celebrity hosts will / build excitement for the wondrous celebration that awaits. / Salt Lake 2002: Light the Fire Within!".




or, polychrome, bleu


21.6 x 14 cm

Date / Période