Diplôme de remerciement décerné à Juan Antonio Samaranch par le Comité spécial des Nations Unies contre l’Apartheid.
Texte manuscrit (calligraphie) avec la légende suivante : "United Nations / The United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid In expressing its deep appreciations / Hereby awards this citation to / His Excellency / Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch / President of the International Olympic Committee / For his outstanding contribution / As the leader of the Olympic Movement / To the international campaign / For the elimination of apartheid / And the establishment of a non-racial /And democratic society in South Africa / 9th December 1988 / Signé: Joseph Nanven Garba / Chairman Special Committee Against Apartheid". Symbole des Nations Unies et monogramme de Juan Antonio Samaranch entouré de branches de laurier.
rouge, noir et blanc
58.8 x 46 x 1 cm, 2 kg