
Hiroshima 1994, ornement commémoratif des XII Jeux Asiatiques.


Plaque commémorative pliée en deux en forme de diptyque, en bois de cerisier. Contenant sur la partie droite, une pierre provenant de l’ancien City Hall de Hiroshima avec une plaque de métal avec la légende : ”This stone was part of the former Hiroshima City Hall which was exposed to the atomic bomb on August 6, 1945. The frame is made from the wood of a cherry tree whose blossoms are a symbol of Japan”. Et sur la gauche un plaque en metal sur un fond de velours bleu avec la légende: “Asian Harmony / The holding of the 12th Asian Games in Hiroshima, which aspires to be an international city of peace and culture, has lead to the unfolding of numerous exciting events. It is our dream that, based on the excitement and shared desire for peace generated by the Hiroshima Games, we will work together with mutual respect toward the 21st century to establish Asia as a region full of vitality and appeal. Within this stone, we entrust our hope for the realization of this dream. October 1994 / Takashi Hiraoka, Mayor of Hiroshima”.


pierre, bois




30 x 20.9 x 4 cm, 2.12 kg

Date / Période