ProtagonistsManufacture Nationale de SèvresFrom … To*1744Related objectsParis 1924, big vase decorated with laurel leaves and medallions representing various sports.Created: Octave GUILLONNET ...Paris 1924, vase decorated with laurel leaves and medallions representing different sports.Created: Octave GUILLONNET ...Paris 1924, vase decorated with laurel leaves and medallions representing different sports.Created: Octave GUILLONNET ...Olympic yachting challenge trophy for the six-meters category, put back into play at two Olympic Games.Created: Manufacture Nationale de Sèvres ...Paris 1924, ornament with a medal featuring swimming.Created: Manufacture Nationale de Sèvres ...Paris 1924, vase decorated with laurel leaves and medallions representing different sports.Created: Octave GUILLONNET ...