ProtagonistsHonavAlso known asHonav Singapore Pte. Ltd. Beijing Honav Culture Development Co., Ltd. Beijing Huajiang Culture Development Co LtdCountriesChina, People's Republic ofRolesmanufacturerRelated objectsLima 2017, 131st IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (IOC guest).Created: HonavLondon 2012, framed set of eight badges on Royal parcs.Created: Wolff Olins ...Beijing 2022, the Games' mascot Bing Dwen Dwen-shaped money boxCreated: Honav ...Singapore 2010, gourd with the emblem of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...London 2012, set of two badges for Valentine's Day 2011.Created: The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd (LOCOG) ...Tokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, green ribbon (National Olympic Committee).Created: HonavTokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, purple ribbon (Host Organizing Committee).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, green and white ribbon (NOC Guest).Created: Wolff Olins ...London 2012, box with a silver lingots collection.Created: Wolff Olins ...Lausanne 2020, 136th IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC staff).Created: HonavSERRA, Rosa. Olympic Suite reproduction, archery.Created: Rosa SERRA ...PyeongChang 2018, prepaid pin with Soohorang holding a VISA Lotte Card.Created: Visa International ...Lausanne 2021, 137th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavPyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, red and white ribbon (candidate cities).Created: HonavBuenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, red ribbon (Future Organising Committee).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, Bing Dwen Dwen, the Games' mascot, Rabbit year commemorative version.Created: Honav ...Singapour 2010, set of pin's with sites of the city of Singapour.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Tokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, white and red ribbon (Candidate cities).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, red ribbon (Future Organising Committee).Created: Wolff Olins ...Buenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC Administration).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (TOP Partner).Created: HonavPyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, purple-black-purple ribbon (local organising committee guest).Created: HonavRio 2016, miniature torch.Created: Honav ...Beijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, red ribbon (Future Organizing Committee).Created: HonavSingapore 2010, key-holder with the emblem of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Lausanne 2020, 135th IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (IOC guest).Created: HonavSingapour 2010, framed cup with the mascots and sites of the city of Singapour.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Beijing 2022, Bing Dwen Dwen, the Games mascot plastic figurine.Created: Honav ...Singapore 2010, bag with Merly and Lyo, the mascots of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Singapour 2010, set of 4 badges with the mascots welcoming.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...PyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, red ribbon (future organising committee).Created: HonavTokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, red ribbon (Future Organizing Committee).Created: HonavLondon 2012, framed set of seven (7) badges of the "Weather" series.Created: HonavRio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, red ribbon (Future Organising Committee).Created: HonavSERRA, Rosa. Olympic Suite reproduction, athletics.Created: Rosa SERRA ...Beijing 2022, the Paralympic Games' mascot, Shuey Rhon Rhon-money box shaped.Created: Honav ...Londres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, red and white ribbon (IOC Commission).Created: Wolff Olins ...Buenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavSingapore 2010, charm for cell phone with Merly, one of the mascots of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Beijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, red and white ribbon (Candidate cities).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, Bing Dwen Dwen, the Games mascot plastic figurine.Created: Honav ...Beijing 2022, framed stamps featuring the Olympic and Paralympic emblem, and their golden reproduction.Created: Honav ...Tokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (TOP Partner).Created: HonavBuenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, purple ribbon (local organising committee).Created: HonavTokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, red-white-red ribbon (IOC Commission).Created: HonavLausanne 2019, 134th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavPyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written press and media).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, awarded to the IOC president Jacques ROGGE.Created: Wolff Olins ...Lausanne 2020, 135th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, green ribbon (NOC).Created: Wolff Olins ...Lausanne 2021, 137th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written press and media).Created: HonavRio 2016, miniature torch.Created: Honav ...Singapore 2010, badge with the emblem of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Rio 2016, Ginga, the Brazilian team's mascot.Created: Honav ...Singapore 2010, charm for cell phone with Lyo, one of the mascots of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Beijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, blue ribbon (International Federation).Created: HonavLima 2017, 131st IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, Bing Dwen Dwen, the snowboarder mascot of the Games.Created: Honav ...Rio 2016, travel pillowcase with Vinicius the mascot of the Games.Created: Honav ...Lima 2017, 131st IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written media).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, purple ribbon with black stripe (Organising Committee guest).Created: Wolff Olins ...Beijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, purple ribbon (Host Organizing Committee).Created: HonavTokyo 2020, embossing seal.Created: Honav ...Lausanne 2019, 134th IOC session's badge, red and white ribbon (candidate cities).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, the Paralympic Games' mascot, Shuey Rhon Rhon plastic figurine.Created: Honav ...Londres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, red ribbon (Future Organising Committee).Created: Wolff Olins ...PyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, red-white-red ribbon (IOC commission).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, purple ribbon (Organising Committee).Created: Wolff Olins ...Beijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC staff).Created: HonavLausanne 2019, 134th IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC Administration).Created: HonavRio 2016, set of 5 commemorative badges for the Paralympic Games.Created: Honav ...Tokyo 2020, set of three commemorative medals from the Chinese National Olympic Committee.Created: Honav ...Beijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, red-white-red ribbon (IOC Commission).Created: HonavBuenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (IOC guest).Created: HonavRio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, blue ribbon (International Federation).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavLausanne 2020, 135th IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC Administration).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, blue ribbon with white stripe (International Federation's guest).Created: Wolff Olins ...Rio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written press and media).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, the Paralympic Games' mascot, Shuey Rhon Rhon-money plastic figurine.Created: Honav ...Rio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC administration).Created: HonavTokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, blue ribbon (International federation).Created: HonavTokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, purple-black-purple ribbon (Host Organizing Committee Guest).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, purple-black-purple ribbon (Host Organizing Committee Guest).Created: HonavRio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, green ribbon (National Olympic Committee).Created: HonavBuenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, blue ribbon (International Federation).Created: HonavSERRA, Rosa. Olympic Suite reproduction, basketball.Created: Rosa SERRA ...Buenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, purple-black-purple ribbon (local organising committee guest).Created: HonavSERRA, Rosa. Olympic Suite reproduction, equestrian.Created: Rosa SERRA ...Buenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, white and red ribbon (Candidate Cities).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, blue ribbon (International Federation).Created: Wolff Olins ...Lausanne 2021, 137th IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC staff).Created: HonavBeijing 2022, framed stamp commemorating the successful bid, and its golden reproduction.Created: Honav ...Buenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written media).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, white ribbon with blue stripe (IOC guest).Created: Wolff Olins ...Londres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written press and media).Created: Wolff Olins ...Rio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, purple-black-purple ribbon (Organising Committee guest).Created: HonavLausanne 2019, 134th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written press and media).Created: HonavLausanne 2020, 136th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written press and media).Created: HonavSingapore 2010, pencil case with Merly and Lyo, the mascots of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Rio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, red-white-red ribbon (IOC commission).Created: HonavLondon 2012, framed set of all pins of the city's boroughs.Created: HonavRio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavTokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavSingapour 2010, set of pin's with the 26 pictograms of the Youth Olympic Games and the 7 pictograms of the Culture and Education Programme.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Beijing 2022, 139th IOC session's badge, green ribbon (National Olympic Committee).Created: HonavSERRA, Rosa. Olympic Suite reproduction, volleyball.Created: Rosa SERRA ...Lausanne 2017, 130th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavLondres 2012, 124th IOC session's badge, white ribbon striped red (IOC Secretary General staff).Created: Wolff Olins ...PyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC administration).Created: HonavLausanne 2017, 130th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written Press).Created: HonavPainting depicting the characters from the Chinese animated film "Me and My Winter Games" (2022).Created: Honav ...PyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, green ribbon (NOC).Created: HonavBuenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, red-white-red ribbon (IOC Commission).Created: HonavLima 2017, 131st IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC administration).Created: HonavPyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (TOP partner).Created: HonavRio 2016, commemorative badge for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.Created: Honav ...Tokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, yellow ribbon (Written press and media).Created: HonavSERRA, Rosa. Olympic Suite reproduction, golf.Created: Rosa SERRA ...Rio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, purple ribbon (Host Organising Committee).Created: HonavSet of pin's from the series "Olympic Sports sculpture" with the 38 Rosa Serra sculptures.Created: Rosa SERRA ...Singapour 2010, set of pin's with the 26 pictograms of the Youth Olympic Games and the 7 pictograms of the Culture and Education Programme.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Lausanne 2020, 136th IOC session's badge, white ribbon (Member's guest).Created: HonavRio de Janeiro 2016, 129th IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (IOC Guest).Created: HonavPyeongChang 2018, 132nd IOC session's badge, blue ribbon (International Federation).Created: HonavLausanne 2019, 134th IOC session's badge, white-blue-white ribbon (IOC guest).Created: HonavTokyo 2021, 138th IOC session's badge, white-red-white ribbon (IOC staff).Created: HonavRio 2016, tray with Vinicius the mascot of the Games.Created: Honav ...London 2012, miniature torch replica.Created: Honav ...Buenos Aires 2018, 133rd IOC session's badge, green ribbon (National Olympic Committee).Created: HonavLondon 2012, framed set of seven badges of the "Crowns" series.Created: Wolff Olins ...Rio 2016, commemorative badge for the Olympic and Paralympic Games dedicated to anti-doping.Created: Honav ...Singapore 2010, magnet with Merly and Lyo, the mascots of the Youth Olympic Games.Created: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) ...Paris 2024, jade seal of the Chinese Olympic Committee.Created: Honav ...